Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Birthday Party #2

I celebrated my birthday again today, on my actual birthday this time. We had a party at school for me and Jojo (or is it Jojo and I...English is so confusing). Take a look at the pictures.

Mama came to celebrate too. She loves a good party.

I am throwing a fit because...
a) Someone else is getting some attention
b) I don't have a cupcake yet
c) All of the above

Okay, much if you will finish up singing then I can blow this candle out and start eating.

This is Jojo. He does not usually have cake on his face. Do you think he looks sort of like the head Munchkin from The Wizard of Oz with that cake on his face...I do.

This is me and Jojo (or Jojo and I).

And this is how tall I am at 1 year old. 29 and 3/4 inches.

1 comment:

SarahBeth said...

Oh those are some brave teachers! ha ha The kids looked liked they enjoy the cupcakes. Are you starting the height chart on the door frame like your mom did in Summit? I think everyone was on the list including Bob and Pongo; so where is Presleys mark???