Friday, September 11, 2009

Its a Bloggy Blog World

I don't know what that means, but I thought is sounded funny so I wrote it. I know why you are here...for pictures. I don't have any new ones so you are probably disappointed at this point. Peek-a-boo. Why are there no pictures you ask...well I am not real sure, probably laziness on my parents behalf but I assure you it is not because of lack of cute moments with me. There have been cute moments of my standing, sitting, playing in the pantry, playing with Presley, getting stuck under the ottoman (by the way, how many 11 month old kids can spell that), eating big girl food, etc.

1 comment:

Ryan, Reed, and Pearce Toms said...

We'll be at the game this weekend! Pearce needs to see his girlfriend :)